I want to figure out how to have a blog roll.... havn't had much time or luck though. Help plzzzzzz!!!!
Other than that.... Black Five has a blog and he has an area called ...."Someone you should know". Well that is just one of the many cool parts of his blog. With that i'd like to say....
I Found this today it is worth reading, as "Rubicon 15" is perhaps someone you should know...............
Military.com ForumsJust Back from Iraq
Sat 26 March 2005, 09:18Rubicon_15
Just Back from Iraq
Well boys, back from five months in Iraq. It was a hell of an experience.
All I have to say to you cherries is listen to the experience of others and
learn from it.
Sat 26 March 2005, 12:22KansasGrunt Rubicon_15, welcome back bro!
My unit's going in a couple months. Any advice would be appreciated.
Again, welcome back.
Sun 27 March 2005, 18:09Hacksaw235 Hell yeah, Rubicon... welcome
home big man. Way back in the day I used to belong to C CO, 1/162nd
in Gresham. I was there for about 5 months then went RA. Now I'm
retired as of 01 DEC, 2004. You guys stay cool and keep up the good work.
Sun 27 March 2005, 22:46Sigma_Nu Rubicon,
Welcome back! I have been hanging out with Thomas for the last few
days. Way to KICK @SS over there. Check out page four of the Year
of pictures by Time magazine. You will see a familiar face.
Mon 28 March 2005, 00:02tim4day 5 Months must be nice to get
the short tour, Glad you made it home but 5 Months how did you
manage that.
Mon 28 March 2005, 05:04jocamryn
5 Months how did you manage that.
You said what I was thinking...lol
Mon 28 March 2005, 14:18schoelman Welcome back rub!
5mos? mid tour leave! enjoy it while you can, be safe bro!
Mon 28 March 2005, 21:23Rubicon_15 Thanks guys. I was hit
on Nov 11 by a few rpg's and ied's. I was peppered right below
my iba and took a little in the hand. For the 5 month question, I
joined a unit that was already 7 months into there deployment
and I volunteered to go over as a replacement. KansasGrunt: I
would say to watch out for pot holes and garbage on the road.
That can mean IED's. Keep your gunner well supplied with
ammo if mounted and stay low in the turret.
Tue 29 March 2005, 05:02CombatParatrooper
Welcome back Rubicon!
Tue 29 March 2005, 05:25jocamryn
I was hit on Nov 11 by a few rpg's and ied's. I was peppered
right below my iba and took a little in the hand.
For the 5 month question,
I joined a unit that was already 7 months into there
deployment and I volunteered to go over as a replacement.
jocamryn removes GIANT foot from mouth
My apologies, Thanks for your service and good
on you for volunteering.
Tue 29 March 2005, 07:55SSGRock Welcome home.
And THANK YOU for your exemplary service to our
great nation!
Fri 06 May 2005, 11:56Wannabe29 Hey, Rubicon, can
you tell me about how you went about volunteering, and
how they transitioned you into the unit? I ASSUME you
went Guard, based on your profile. I also take it you did
not train with them before they left, so where/how did they
train you up?
Welcome back. Hope the wounds are healing.
Fri 06 May 2005, 12:31fireiscool welcone home nothing like
being back in the greatest country on earth. Best feeling ever
touching green ramp
Fri 06 May 2005, 22:13Rubicon_15 Well, its kinda funny how
all worked out. I transfered from a pogue unit into the infantry
this last april. I had orders for infantry mosq during the late summer.
The course was unfortunately cancelled due to a lack of soldiers signed
up for the course. So I wasnt able to go. I had been volunteering to go
over as a replacement since I transfered in. They wouldnt let me go
because I wasnt a 11b yet. So at the end of the summer I was not mosq'd
and I gave up on a hope of deploying as a replacement. Two weeks before
my fall semester was going to start, I got a call from my S1 ncoic saying
that they were excepting replacement of any mos. He said that we would
mob and train up at bliss. Those of us not 11b would be qualified at bliss.
So I said yes and was mobalized within two weeks. I went to bliss with a
platoon of other volunteers expecting to be there for a month. We arived
and were told we would be in kuwait within a week. I was pissed. So we did
a retarded paperwork shuffle and a weapons qual and then we were sent to
Kuwait. Went through RFI within 24 hours and was sent into country with
in 72 hours. So I had no real experience as a infantrymen besides basic and
training with my infantry guard unit. All the replacements were sent to diff
companies. I was sent to my company with a few other guys and were split
up into the platoons. I was the only guy to go to my platoon. I was given a
week of training by my squad in weapons,humvee operations and basic infantry
skills. It was hard being a cherry in the unit. Especially being the only one. My
first week out I was in two firefights. I was gunning on both of them. I was hit
with shrappnel on the second one and sent to anaconda for about five days. I
returned to my unit and had light duty for about a week. I started patroling
again after that. Im not a 11b yet. I have mosq next month. My unit tried to get
me ojt qualified while I was over there but the big army didnt like that idea. My
squad honorarily awarded me a CIB and blood pinned it. I cant wear one but Im
still proud to have atleast been pinned with one. It sucks that I cant be awarded
one, but even though I was in a unique situation I dont think the regs should be
altered. The CIB is for the infantry and only the Infantry. Sorry, I kinda rambled
on for a while.
Becker Out