Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Haulin' Brass

By Herkiechick

We once had a whole plane of Marine "O's" pass thru as a sort of "site survey" team for troop swapouts. The lowest ranking guys i saw were majors. I thanked them and told them to tell their guys thanks, for doing what you're doing out there. They were infantry and i talked with them for a bit and told them i had some freinds in infantry, and i think the job is really cool, and exciting...but i also realize and appreciate that it is alot of hard work and sacrafice.

A General asked what my job was. I told him a C-130 crewchief, and he said.... "well that must be really cool." And he thanked me for serving.

Doesn't matter if he was just being polite or not.....that is one of the things that i will always remember.

I once read in Stars -n- Stripes about a soldier who was killed a few days before. He was filling in for another soldier who was on R&R when his convoy was attacked. He had a wife, and he was barely old enough to drink. He was supposed to be going home on R&R the following week.

The week after i read that article, i saw others soldiers from his unit coming back from R&R. I sat there and watched them as they lined up to board the plane to go back in country, and realized that the soldier thats was on R&R...instead of the convoy, will be coming back.....and might even have been on that flight. I thought to myself how difficult it must be to go on leave & have to leave your family to return to war. I thought how difficult it must be just to serve there. I thought about how difficult it must be to have to lose a comrade. I thought about the soldier returning from R&R.....having to bear all the inevitable emotional burden, that he must for this situation which he had no control of......And i realized that the story of the soldier's memorial service didn't even come close to touching the actual loss & suffering that these guys endure.

God Bless our Soldiers


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