Wednesday, April 13, 2005

things that make you go hmmmmmmm

Well the airforce in thier infinite unwisdom has taken it upon thier safety concious self to mandate the wear of reflective belts during periods of reduced prevent non combat casulties. Yes everyone must wear a reflective belt to prevent getting hit vehicle traffic. I guess that sounds okay, but i have a few questions.........

Why is it i have to wear it while walking ON A SIDEWALK in coalition city where it is well lit, and where there is no vehicle traffic allowed.

Hmmmm...i have roughly 30 years experience walking........and i have only been hit by a vehicle NEVER so if we have to wear reflective belts in a hostile fire zone........maybe we should consider who we let drive if we have to worry about getting hit ON A SIDEWALK before we so eagerly volunteer to help our enemy snipers be reflectorizing their targets.....or............

maybe we should acknowledge the fact that the belts are not safety but eyewash
......and people should worry more about things that matter.

i dont know of many people that have gotten hit by vehicles while walking around....but i am pretty sure that if there are enough of them that the airforce needs to mandate all 350,000 members to wear these things (not mention all the joint services when they are on our bases as well as contraters and coalition service members)....then maybe we should train people to look out the window and hey maybe even turn on your lights while driving. Maybe even stop and not hit pedestrians......hmmm..... you think it'll catch on?!?!!?!?


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